Becoming the love that you are.
An Invitation
Imagine a path that winds through the most beautiful, sunlit landscapes and mountaintop vistas as well as through dense, dark chasms and lonely deserts. Imagine this path is our life. And along the path, everything that has happened and everything still to come is part of how we become the loving, healing presence that we are here to be.
My own journey has led me to understand that healing and spiritual practice are two imperatives that help ease suffering and create beauty and meaning in life. They are two inseparable threads to follow on the journey to wholeness within ourselves and to deep connection to others.
Why healing?
Most of us hold old pain, unresolved trauma and dysfunctional dynamics in our minds, bodies and relationships. Healing involves a review (not a reliving) of the past so that we can deeply understand and validate our own experiences and emotions.
Healing is how we find the parts of us that have been stuck in yesterday, and help them release the painful burdens and life-denying beliefs that they’ve been carrying. And, most wonderfully, healing is how we retrieve the innocent, courageous, precious or playful aspects of ourselves that we may not have been able to feel for a long time.
Why spiritual practice?
We all hold peace, wisdom, joy, compassion and essential goodness inside the Self. This Self is both the Healer within and a trustworthy compass for our lives. It has been there since the beginning, and although covered up and too often blocked from expression, it has never been damaged and it never goes away. Spiritual practice facilitates contact with this insightful inner Self and with all the beautiful qualities of being human.
My commitment is to holding a safe and sacred space for your healing and to bearing witness to your becoming. Whatever path you choose, may it be life-affirming and self-empowering.
In all that lies before you, may you find what you need to meet your days with grace, serenity and love.